Bulk Mailings

Bulk Mail (now referred to by the USPS as Standard Mail)

Using nonprofit rates is the least expensive way to send out mailings of 200 or more pieces. Although Standard mail is not guaranteed as fast handling as First Class mail has proved to be as fast or faster. Furthermore, the cost savings are significant, particularly if automated rates are achieved by having Mail Management verify addresses and produce bar-coded addressed envelopes, brochures, or labels and the certifications required by the US Postal Service.

Note: Postage on mail bearing a permit imprint is not actually paid until the mail is presented for deposit at the Bulk Mail Acceptance Unit of the USPS. Any mail found in USPS collection boxes with only a permit imprint (no stamp or meter postage) will be returned by the USPS. Penalty fees will be charged by the USPS, and permit privileges can be revoked. Please don't do this!

Therefore, it is very important that the following rules be followed:

  • The Texas A&M University Bulk Mail permit may be used only by integral departments or Paragraphs .51 and .52 of the US Postal Regulations. It may not be used to send mail for any professional organization of which employees may be a member or officer. (Many such organizations actually have their own Bulk Mail permit, however.)
  • The Texas A&M University Bulk Mail permit may not be used for mailings that contain products or advertising ineligible for mailing at Nonprofit Standard rates. If you have any questions about eligible inclusions and/or advertising, contact Mail Services at (979) 845-4624 or email mail@tamu.edu while your mailing is still in preparation and before costly mistakes are made.
  • The Texas A&M University Bulk Mail permit may be used only on mailings accompanied by the appropriate USPS-required statement. All charges for nonprofit Standard Mail processed by the university community must be routed through the Mail Center, in order that charges against the Texas A&M University Bulk Mail permit can be tracked. If any outside vendor prepares a Standard mailing, the vendor should be instructed to contact Mail Services to ensure correct identification of USPS charges against the Texas A&M University Bulk Mail permit, so that they can be accurately re-billed to departmental accounts.

Presort First-Class Mailing

Presort First-Class Mailing is an alternative to standard bulk mailings for large mailers—with a First Class delivery commitment. First Class Presort is a discounted mail service offered for mailings over 500 pieces. Presort costs more than Standard, but less than regular First Class mail. For more information, call the Mail Services at (979) 845-4624.